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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Wow! It is November already! I have so many things that I want to place on this blog but I have been very busy. I went to Council this past weekend (6th). Councilor Keshick was sworn in. In the afternoon session the lobbyists’ from Lansing, Noel LaPorte, and Washington D.C., Lydia Hoffner, were here and gave a reports. The reports were very interesting and I will post some of the items that were discussed on my blog in another section.

Yuck! I hit a deer on my way to Harbor Springs between Kalkaska and Mancelona. Did major damage to my vehicle, but it is drivable. I am just glad I did not get hurt and the car behind me was able to avoid hitting it as well..he swerved and just missed the body of it!

I am also pleased to announce that I wrote a Statute that was accepted by all 9 Councilors and is being placed on the legislative calendar. It is for legal aid for all Tribal Citizens. This service will not take anything criminal and cannot be used or against the Tribe (ie. Wills, divorces, custody, DNA testing, real estate transactions etc.) I am going to post the full copy of the Draft Statute here as well.

There were several Citizens there in the morning session I suspect for the swearing in of Councilor Keshick, but in the afternoon, there was only me and one other person.

I am still tallying up stipend amounts from 2009 and 2010. As soon as I finish, I will post them. In my opinion it is ridiculous to send the same people over and over to the same conferences. You will see that a few of the Councilors do not attend many at all. It seems to be the same few that go, go, go.

Well, I had better sign off for now. I have many Christmas projects to work on as well.